Tuesday, 15 May 2012

Pretty Quik Instant Nail Polish Remover

After trying to hunt down the Bourjois Magic Nail Polish Remover for weeks I stumbled across this in Superdrug for half the price! I'm not a fan of the packaging but it is basicly the exact same product only cheaper, the rational side of my brain couldn't justify spending £4.99 on nail polish remover! I'm so pleased with this product as it's so practical and mess free! My nails feel naked without any polish so normally the first thing I will do after I get home from work (I'm a healthcare assistant, so no nail varnish on shift!) when I have a few days off. I often forget to take my nail polish off before coming back into work and have to run around the building looking for remover but having this in my bag takes all that hassle away. You simply put your finger in the sponge, twist and voila! It also leaves my nails feeling nice and nourished and the scent isn't too overpowering like other removers I've tried. Definatly on my list of favourite products and something I'll happily repurchase again, though I'm sure it will work just as well if you top up the pot with cheap nail varnish remover!

Pretty Quik Instant Nail Polish Remover is available at Boots and Superdrug and priced at £2.50 for 30mls.

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